
Then the Lord God planted a garden

« Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the East and there He put the man He had formed. He made all kinds of beautiful trees grow there and produce good fruit. In the middle of the garden, stood the tree that gives life… A stream flowed in Eden and watered the garden,   beyond Eden it divided into four rivers ». (Genesis 2)

St Bonaventure (13th Century) invites us to approach the pierced Heart of Jesus from where flows the water of life : « Stand up ! You who are loved by Christ (…) here, like the turtle dove, come and hide the children from your chaste love, and approach your lips to this wound in order to draw water from the stream of the Saviour. It is here that you find the stream which flowed in the middle of paradise and which, splitting into four rivers then spread into loving hearts, waters and populates the whole earth. »

Prayer :

Heart of Jesus, so worthy of all our praise, have pity on us.